Harmony Day Spa, Caldwell, New Jersey

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Amy Is Back On Wednesday

Hi Friends 🤗

After over a month off, I will return to light duty starting on Wednesday! I first want to say thank you to every one of my teammates for picking up the unexpected slack at HDS. I am so fortunate for so many things, but a great team is something that I do not underestimate bit. Also, to my ride-or-die clients, who were so wonderful and gracious when my start date was pushed back repeatedly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Something extraordinary is in the works for you in the coming weeks, so please stay posted. I love you all, and thank you for trusting me with your skin and body needs all these years. HDS has been in business in one way or another for Twenty-one years; it's fantastic and still so thrilling to walk in the door. I appreciate your support; you support a dream and several families, which makes me incredibly proud.

To any guest that tried one of our other trusted providers, weren't they great! I hope you were comfortable and your treatment was top-notch, and by all means, if this is a better fit for you, that is ok! And I am thrilled with the match. Otherwise, we will get you back on my schedule or find a more suitable provider. If you need to give me a comment in confidence to make us a better team, please email me. Feedback works. My goal is for EVERYONE to thrive and feel comfortable.

Now, you are wondering what happened. Well, it is genuinely TMI. So, I will spare the gory details. But the short story is that it was a long-standing female-related issue; welcome to Menopause, who hoo! We are lucky ladies indeed who are cursed with Stage 4 Endometriosis, which turned into a more complex surgery and recovery. Much more than expected.

I am healthy now and grateful to have had the most professional and compassionate care team ever. The absolute silver lining is that the surgery (we hope) may have cured my long-term chronic and truly devastating migraine headaches! I have not had one headache since the surgery. I listened to my body, searched for better medical care than previously received, and ultimately fixed several issues. I hope I will never have to move an appointment again because I have a migraine that has made me lose vision or give me three days of nausea each month again.

There is always a silver lining! Always look on the bright side of life. Am I right?!

Did I read many books? YES! One to mention that was so beautiful and uplifting with karmic justice all at the same time was “The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride. I highly recommend this read to any book lover in your life.

This is great because we are sponsors of Succeed2gether's Montclair Literary Festival at the end of April to further reading in schools. Some fantastic authors like Ruth Reichl, David Balducci, and Harlen Coben will be there.

My goal was to stay away from reality TV, and I drilled down on my subscription to PBS Masterpiece and Acorn TV; there are some great series out there if you search. A couple that stood out were “After Taste" on Acorn and "Red Queen” on Prime, both brilliant.

Again, many thanks for your patience as I slowly acclimate to a schedule that works for my body. It may be a work in progress. Still, I hope to be available at the desk more and in the spa, in general, to greet you and help you with any booking or retail needs, as well as to continue to work closely with our team on new treatments and products in the future as well as my previous service schedule.

Any advice, recipes, or your go-to place for the best food and/or exercise to stop inflammation is very much welcome 🤗.

