Mother's Day! I assure you, we are open!

I assure you, we are open. Yes, we do require a credit card at the time of booking. This is because a couple of bad apples have made appointments for large chunks of time and not shown up or even called to cancel. This makes us cranky. So, yeah. It stinks for everyone. We pay our awesome staff based on a salary calculation and the service rendered. So if no one shows up…You understand that may severely impact someone's fiscal situation. Not cool, right. While we offer awesome spa experiences we are also selling time.

Hence, the credit card to book your appointment. Just like a hotel reservation. We can not just call up someone else and say, “Hey are you available for a 2 hour facial at full price…drop everything and come right this second.” No, that is not realistic.

So, when we get calls that our system is not working it is very likely that someone doesn’t want to put in a credit card. OK, you have a Gift Card…just call us.

But, I assure you. Our system works and we are open…6 days a week. And we have a solid 24-hour cancellation policy.